Important imformation!
New regulations
Regulations for import of dog semen to Sweden
Swedish Board of Agriculture >>
Update: Canine sperm requirements and legislation for international trading
Authorisation to perform insemination of dogs in Sweden (some in Swedish)
Get the form ”Chilled dog semen to Sweden”
Get the form ”Frozen dog semen to Sweden
Get the form ’Certificate of semen collection’
Freezing of canine semen and handling of chilled semen for transportation
We have prepared step-by-step instructions, for our customers, for how to freeze canine semen with the CaniRep Uppsala-EquexII extenders and how to prepare chilled semen for carriage. Contact us for further information
For pricing and information – contact us >>
Picture of Cooler for shipping of chilled dog semen
Service and price (out of hours work +50%)
Consultations (phone or e-mail) 600 – 1200:-
Semen collection and assessment 2000:-
Blood sampling (brucella canis/leptospira/leishmania)(laboratory cost not included) 1100:- + lab cost
Freezing of semen (sampling, semen assessment, freezing, test thawing, semen storage contract) 4800:- for the first freezing. For additional freezings from the same dog 4500:-. 2800:- when second ejaculate is frozen on the same day.
Storage fee for frozen semen/dog/year 1875:-.
Rental of dry shipper 2800:-
Filling of dry shipper with nitroge 750:-
Deposition of semen for storage in the semen bank 700:- when all documents are in order, otherwise/hour
Withdrawal of semen from the semen bank 700:-
Change of ownership of semen in the semen bank
(new contract) 700:-
Preparation of chilled semen for transportation and
cooler for transport of chilled semen (temperature in box stable for 48 h) 4000:-
Export administration within EU 750- outside EU 1050:-
Fresh semen AI (1st) 4500:- (out of hours 6750:-)
Repeated insemination 3500 (out of hours 5260:-)
Chilled/frozen semen AI (1st) 5000:- (out of hours 7500: -)
Repeated insemination 4000:- (out of hours 6000: -)
Extender for chilled canine semen and a kit for convenient transportation of chilled dog semen
Chilled semen extender (a detailed instruction for how the semen should be handled is included)
Price upon request
We also provide an extender, based on the Uppsala Chilled Semen Extender formula, without the addition of egg yolk, to be used when collecting semen from dogs with prostatic problems. In such cases the semen can be contaminated with urine and/or blood. By adding 1-4 ml of the extender sperm will be protected from osmotic changes and toxic influences from the seminal plasma.
Price upon request
Kit for transport of chilled semen 1000:-
The kit contains:
1. Chilled semen extender 4 ml
2. Cooler with 2 freezing blocks, which will keep the temperature at the appropriate level for 48 hours
3. Sterile tube for storage of semen 4. Syringe 5ml
Prices in SEK (VAT incl., freight costs excl.)